About Shiawonghip 蛇王協
蛇王協 成立於1965年, 歷史悠久, 我們是蛇羹專家 用心為你烹調, 健康, 傳統, 關心 和 美味 Shia Wong Hip was established in 1965, with a long history, we are snake soup experts. Cooking for you with heart, healthy, traditional, caring and delicious
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秘製五蛇羹 (大) Snake soup (Big)
$113.00椒鹽蛇碌 (每碟) Delicious Deep-fried Snake with salt , Pesto Pepper .
$227.00川貝燉蛤蚧 (每盅)(燉湯) Chuanbei stewed clam soup
$140.00田七燉過山烏蛇湯 (每盅)Tian Qi Snake Soup
美味, 滋補, 祛風 通絡, 養顏 補血 Delicious, nourishing, dispelling wind, dredging collaterals, nourishing beauty and nourishing blood
秘製五蛇羹 (大) Snake soup (Big)
$113.00秘製五蛇羹 (小) Snake Soup (Small)
飯類 Rice
生炒臘味糯米飯 (每碗) (飯類) Sticky rice, served with sausage
糯米飯, 配上 臘腸, 蝦米, 香蔥, 生炒嘅, 非一般的蒸糯飯味道Sticky rice, served with sausage, dried shrimps, chives, fried, uncommon steamed glutinous rice taste$29.00潤腸 (1條) Duck liver Sausage (1 stick)
$17.00白飯 (每碗) White Rice ( Bowl )
白飯White Rice$11.00臘腸 (1條) Pig Sausage (1 stick)
燉湯 Soup
我們提供不同的, 養生, 保健, 滋補, 的湯水, 為閣下的健康加油 ! We provide different health care, nourishing, soups, to cheer for your health!
蛇龜湯 (大) Snake and turtle soup (Big)
功能: 祛濕, 清內熱, 解毒 (材料: 大生地 土伏苓)Function: Dispel dampness, clear internal heat, detoxify (Material: Dashengdi Soil Fuling)$47.00蛇龜湯 (細) Snake and turtle soup (Small)
功能: 祛濕, 清內熱, 解毒 (材料: 大生地 土伏苓)Function: Dispel dampness, clear internal heat, detoxify (Material: Dashengdi Soil Fuling)$33.00田七燉過山烏蛇湯 (每盅)Tian Qi Snake Soup
活血, 舒筋 ,補腰骨, 去風濕, 四肢麻木, 降血脂 (材料: 巴戟, 杜仲, 田七, 半楓荷, 寬根藤)Invigorate blood, relax muscles, replenish waist bone, remove rheumatism, numb limbs$147.00川貝燉蛤蚧 (每盅)(燉湯) Chuanbei stewed clam soup
化痰 止咳 哮喘 肺弱 支氣管炎, 固肝腎 (材料:川貝 桔梗 法夏)Resolving phlegm, relieving cough, asthma, weak lung, bronchitis$140.00蛤蚧牛鞭大力湯 (每盅) Medical Gecko with beef Penis vigorous soup
滋補腎陽, 腎精充足, 才不易疲倦乏力, 男服:補脾固腎 , 止夜尿 ,女服:滋陰養血 (材料:雄露 ,牛鞭 ,鹿胎 蛤蚧, 鎖羊 ,海馬 ,海龍, 淫羊藿)Nourish the kidney , Not easy to get tired$213.00川貝燉鱷魚 (每盅) (燉湯) Chuanbei stewed crocodile
功能:化痰 止咳 定喘 補腰 固肝腎 (材料:川貝 桔梗 法夏)$127.00蟲草花 螺頭 燉 山瑞( 每盅)(燉湯) Cordyceps flower spiral shell Stewed Shanrui
滋陰 活血 養顏 (材料: 淮山 杞子)Nourish yin, invigorate blood, nourish skin (Material: Chinese yin and wolfberry)$200.00
精美小炒 香脆惹味
椒鹽蛇碌 (每碟) Delicious Deep-fried Snake with salt , Pesto Pepper .
香蒜胡椒炸蛇碌, 芳香美味, 餸酒菜Delicious Deep-fried Snake with salt , Pesto Pepper. Goes well with wine.$227.00
特別推介 四季極品
山珍涼拌 (每碟)
涼拌, 駝鳥肉撈蛇肉Cold style, Ostrich meat come with snake meat$67.00蛇膽陳皮 (重量:每包一錢)